What are you grateful for today?


Just had a grateful moment?

  • Thank Hashem, write it down.

  • Drop it in the Pushkah.

  • Make it part of your and your family's daily routine.

  • Watch your grateful moments pile up.

  • Reflect back on these moments on Shabbas and years to come.

Life is full of grateful moments.

Gratitude is a shift of our focus and attention from what we want to what we already have. It’s not about ignoring what we are missing; it’s becoming aware of all of the gifts we are given. It’s a habit that takes time and practice.

Don’t let them pass you by…

Use this pushkah to develop this most fundamental quality for you and your family. Open your eyes to all of Hashem’s gifts. Write them down day by day, review them together and cherish them forever.